Time Master>Introduction>The
Books>The World
The Time Master Books.
Lord Of No Time>Time Master>Star Shadow>Chaos Gate

The original version of Tarod's story is now published in eBook format under
my own imprint, Dancing Mackerel. With full-colour cover and b/w interior
vignette illustrations by my husband, Cas Sandall, and featuring introductions
by me and by Cas,
Price: £7.50 (UKP - payment via PayPal)
Format: PDF download
AVAILABLE ONLY FROM www.dancingmackerel.com
Nearly ten years after Lord Of No Time first appeared, I began to write the sequence of books that brought the world and its characters into focus. People often ask me in what order the trilogies should be read; the answer isn't set in stone, but I would strongly advise anyone new to the world to read Time Master itself first of all. It isn't the earliest story chronologically—but if you read any of the others first, you'll know in essence how Time Master ends!
These, then, are the stories of the Time Master world…
Cooper is a magical storyteller. Never has the battle of Order and
Chaos, the great struggle between what is best in us and what is worst,
been better recorded than in Louise Cooper's magical fantasy sequence.
Her sharp understanding of human ambiguity, her gift for narrative and
her wonderfully original imagination make her one of our finest writers
of epic fantasy.'
—Michael Moorcock