The World of Time Master.

The re-launch of my web site has given me the chance to achieve something that I've wanted to do for a long time now.
I probably don't need to say that, of all the fantasy worlds I've created since I began writing, the world of Time Master is the one that has captured readers'—and my own—imagination more powerfully than any other.
So this section is devoted to that world. It's not absolutely comprehensive, but more will be added from time to time, as my imagination leads me into new tributaries. And if you're still curious, and would like to know about any other aspects of the world, just send me a message…
This section has been split into three sections which you will be able to access using the buttons on the right.
I hope you find something of interest and feel free to discuss any thoughts you have on the Time Master World on the 'Message Board'. I will be checking it regularly and will answer all the questions I can.